Oh CW, How I Love Thee

I’ll admit, I love anything aimed at teens. The show that started my love affair with all things entertainment was none other than One Tree Hill. It seems lately though, the network aimed at teens has branched out. It’s turned into shows like the charming Jane the Virgin, and the medieval drama Reign. The leading network for all things teen is introducing a wide variety of shows into their programming.

The CW has been building its brand, starting out as a teen focused channel, but they have expanded to so much more. With diverse and progressive programming, they are not only evolving as a network, but challenging the larger networks to do the same. While their largest demographic has always been younger women, they have started to gain male viewers with the comic book series Arrow and the Flash. They’re no longer doing what’s expected and instead diversifying their lineup.


It’s not just the amount of viewers that’s changing, it’s the quality too. I had always heard that the CW hired actors based on their head shots. And while the actors continue to be the hottest on television (don’t fight me on this) that doesn’t diminish their acting abilities. They are producing quality television and even though a lot of people don’t want to admit it, mostly because of their “teen” reputation, it’s happening. Instead of telling everyone they had evolved, they decided to show them with their programming. Just recently, they started to get more critical praise with Jane the Virgin star Gina Rodriguez winning the Golden Globe, a much deserved win and the start of the career of a full-blown star.


I’ve always had the opinion that there is nothing wrong with a story made for teens. We were all that age once and it’s a time that is emotional and crazy and one where you are experiencing new things all the time. Everyone watches television for a dose of drama. The CW is finding a way to incorporate the elements of a teen program into adult series.

It’s a channel with everything from the comic series Arrow, to the Vampire Diaries. While their policy They will continue to grow and evolve the programming they produce. Give one of (or all maybe) their shows a chance and you just might be pleasantly surprised.