My Favorite Film?

There’s always that one movie that you could watch forever. For me that movie is Remember the Titans. Every time I see it’s playing on my television I have to watch it, no exceptions and thanks to ABC Family this happens often. If you’re like me you see a lot of movies each year, so it’s interesting for me when one sticks out enough to stay with me. I was quite young when this film was released, but I remember it was a special one. It’s the kind of movie I can watch no matter what mood I’m in, my family watches it on movie nights and holidays. When I sit back and think about it I’ve probably seen it over 1000 times. I’m even known as the “Sheryl Yoast” of my family. So why is such a good film?

Let’s start with the actor’s performances. Denzel Washington is always a stand out, regardless of the role he’s playing. The relationship between Gary and Julius truly carries the film.(SPOILER) I swear if you don’t cry when Julius visits Gary in the hospital you have no heart. It deals with a subject matter that unfortunately is still relevant to today. One thing I always loved is that the film doesn’t shy away from it, but instead embraces it’s subject matter. There are plenty opportunities for tears, but it’s also filled with laughter.

Donald Faison’s Petey has a never-ending supply of jokes that help bring out the lighter scenes, while nailing his own dramatic storyline. As a bonus there’s an appearance by a young Ryan Gosling as a country-loving fellow player. The lighter portions of the film, singing Ain’t No Mountain High Enough in the locker room, create a balance that other family sport films have failed to achieve.

Remember the Titans is rare in that combines everything you look for when you go to the movies, laughter, tears, and a message that will have you talking about the subject matter. It also deserves major bonus points for possibly the best soundtrack in any film ever. This is one film that Disney did right and I might even say it’s perfect. I would say that Remember the Titans is my favorite film, but the idea of picking one favorite terrifies me. It certainly has had an impact on my life, but I can’t single it out as my number one (I have many number ones). Here’s some of my other favorite sports films.

Cool Runnings

Bend It Like Beckham

The Sandlot

Angels In The Outfield

Coach Carter