The Flash Season Two (Part One)

The Flash is one of my favorite shows. Last season it WAS my favorite show. And while it continues to entertain, it seems to have lost the magic that made season one so exciting to watch. Let me start out by saying I’m a huge Flash fan, but this season has been missing the magic that made Season One so great. Hopefully when the show returns from it’s winter hiatus it will return with the spark that’s been missing. Let’s start with the not so good parts of the first half of Season One:

The Bad:

What’s Up With Barry?:


The first season was incredibly fun television that I really felt had been missing from shows for a long time. The writers balanced the drama with comedy and developed the characters so the audience cared about each and every one of them. Now while this season is entertaining (at times), it’s missing the spark it used to have. Barry is no longer the fun loving superhero. Instead he’s crabby. All the time. Yes he’s been through a lot, but they need to bring back a little fun considering it’s what made him so endearing in the first place. A little comedy now and then won’t hurt.


iris barry

One of my favorite parts of season one was Barry and Iris’s relationship. And I don’t mean Barry’s pining for Iris. I’m talking about their friendship. I understand they want the audience to buy the Barry/Patty relationship for a while, but it feels like they’re sacrificing the WestAllen (Barry & Iris) friendship in return. The lack of scenes between the two is glaringly obvious and leaves a hole in almost every episode.



Where do I start? She’s so obviously a filler it hurts. She’s a carbon copy of Barry, but not in a good way. I really tried to like her, but there is nothing I find endearing about her character. Once she shot Harry (Wells from Earth 2) I was out completely. To be honest I’m just counting down the episodes until she’s gone. I’m hoping that her lack of character development is a sign that she won’t be around too much longer.

The Good:



Zoom was only the main focus of one episode, and appeared briefly in the winter finale, yet he’s managed to leave his mark. He is the most ruthless villain the Flash has ever had, and might possibly be the greatest villain they ever will have. As soon as he drug Barry around Central City, showing off his conquest, I was sold.



Yes he was only in the very end of the winter finale, but my excitement for Wally is already here. There are so many places they can go from here with his character and it appears they will finally explore the West family like they promised before the season started. Here’s hoping Wally’s the jolt of electricity that this show needs.

ParkWest (WestPark?):


Linda and Iris’s friendship was only showcased in two episodes (heavily in one), but it’s been one of the best highlights this season. Since Iris seems to be a prop in Star Labs, it was nice to see her bond with someone other than Barry. This show could use more female friendships, something that is glaringly lacking. Since Wally is now in the picture, maybe Linda could stick around for a while?



I mean. What do I really need to say? Cisco is the only humor in the show right now and has saved even the blandest of episodes in my eyes. His sass towards Harry (Harrison 2.0) is so well done I hope Harry sticks around for good. He’s also slowly becoming a superhero with hopefully more to come. More Cisco is always a good decision.



We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together (Just Kidding)

I have an obsessive personality. I will literally consume myself with a television show as soon as I fall in love with it. And while most shows keep this kind of attention from me for a while, there are other’s that I seem to have an on and off again relationship with. One of these shows is Grey’s Anatomy. It’s currently in its eleventh season so it’s easy to see how I have gone from watching it every week as it airs, to not watching at all and back again. I have seen all the episodes I missed in between, but it’s a fact that long-running shows hit a period (sometimes a long period) of time where they might completely lose your interest. Does this mean you don’t like the show anymore? No. Shows like The Vampire Diaries amaze me because they will have my full attention and enthusiasm for the most part, but there will be a six or seven episode stretch where I purposely avoid watching. I’ve had this problem with One Tree Hill (nine season run) and Supernatural (ten season run and counting). Can you name any long-running shows, I’m talking eight seasons or more, that kept your complete attention and enthusiasm throughout their run? I can’t.

It’s November!


It’s November again and that means National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo is upon us. I was planning on participating this year, but I think I’m going to track my progress on my own since I have multiple projects in the works. Is anyone else participating? Any tips for staying on track? (I tend to get distracted easily). I find that I get the most work done when I go to a public place. The wifi is usually slower and everyone else around you is working on something as well. This is an instance in which peer pressure  (sort of) is a good thing.

On a related note, I had a dream last night that sparked a writing sprint this morning so I am on a roll!


Happy NaNoWriMo everyone!

Taking It Back To 1989


Full Of Pop

have to admit I’m a recent Taylor Swift fan. I wasn’t a full-blown fan until she released Red, partially because I tend to steer clear of any music that borders on country.  One thing was always clear though, the girl’s got a crazy talent for songwriting, making it inevitable that she would move into the pop genre. From George Strait opener to shining pop star, Taylor Swift is in her own category now.

For some reason music always sounds better in the car. Each time I buy a new album I always give it a first listen in my car and after listening to 1989, I have concluded that it is something magical. I can’t think of any other way to describe it and I admit I’m a bit obsessed. It’s got a little of everything. The beautifully honest “Clean”, the 80’s style liquid pop “Style”, and her next single “Blank Space” which finds Taylor poking fun at the tabloid version of her. One of my favorites (well they’re almost all my favorite), is the track “Wonderland” featured on the deluxe version of the album, comparing a romance to falling down the rabbit hole. It’s rare that an artist releases a complete album, with most aiming for a hit single, but 1989 is on point from beginning to end.

The thing I love about Taylor Swift is that she’s brutally honest. She leaves nothing unsaid and that’s refreshing. Her diary-style writing makes you think you’re at a sleepover talking to your best friend. It’s that kind of personal touch that makes Swift stand out from other current pop divas and 1989 shows that she has a wide range of talent. Time will tell if this album becomes one of my top favorites (along with Swift’s last outing Red), but I will tell you Taylor Swift is not going away anytime soon. Get in your car, put on some sunglasses and blast 1989, I promise it will make your day 1000x better.

Favorite Tracks:


Out of the Woods

I Wish You Would

I Know Places



My Shows

I used to think that I would only enjoy CW-esque shows. Teen dramas were definitely my cup of tea, but now I find myself gravitating towards a wide variety of shows. The plan is to write one or two recaps per week from the shows listed below. Do you watch any of these shows? If not what are some of your favorite shows?


8:30 / Brooklyn Nine-Nine

9:00 / The Walking Dead



8:00 / Jane the Virgin

9:00 / The Originals / Sleepy Hollow



8:00 / The Flash

9:30 / About a Boy

11:00 / Happyland



8:00 / Arrow

9:00 / The 100

10:00 / Nashville



8:00 / The Vampire Diaries / Grey’s Anatomy

9:00 / Reign

10:00 / Parenthood / How To Get Away With Murder


Shows I’m bing-watching:

Rookie Blue / Scandal





Does TV consume your life? Yes? Me too. That’s why I have decided to blog about it, probably bound to only make this addiction worse. I’ve abused my DVR and lost way too much sleep trying to catch up on the week’s shows. While TV is supposed to be entertaining, for me it has turned into something stressful, consuming almost all of my daily thoughts and I couldn’t love it more.

Few quick notes about me, my name is Courtney and I’m a recent college grad (Film and English Lit major!) I would say I have a bit of an obsessive personality, but hey when I like something I give it my all. I hope this is a place where we talk about the characters we love and the shows that make us laugh, cry, and flail like children having a temper tantrum. If you’re reading please leave a comment introducing yourself! We’re all in this together. Yes I did just quote High School Musical.

I may occasionally talk about music or movies as well so be prepared for a pop culture overload. But that’s what you’re here for right?

I wanted my first post to show the television series that I never get tired of. Friday Night Lights, One Tree Hill, Psych, and Gilmore Girls are all shows I have binge watched multiple times and if you haven’t had the pleasure of watching them they are all on Netflix so get to watching! You can thank me later.

I’ll leave you with a little Gilmore.

Oy With the Poodles Already!